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General mining

General mining related terms and definitions in minerals and related activities.

Contributors in General mining

General mining

Hopfner process

Mining; General mining

A process for the recovery of copper in which a solution of cuprous chloride in sodium or calcium chloride is used to dissolve copper sulfides. The solution is then electrolyzed in tanks with ...

Moissan process

Mining; General mining

A process for the reduction of chromic oxide with carbon in an electric furnace, the hearth of which is lined with a calcium chromite prepared by heating together lime and chromic oxide.

dense-medium process

Mining; General mining

A process for the washing of coal, in which the desired separation is effected in a dense medium.

Lehmann process

Mining; General mining

A process for treating coal by disintegration and separation of the petrographic constituents (fusain, durain, and vitrain). It consists of subjecting the coal to resilient disintegrating or ...

permitting process

Mining; General mining

A process in which an applicant files forms to a regulatory agency with required narratives, maps, mine plans, etc., to ensure in advance of mining that the proposed operation will be in compliance ...

magnetizing roast

Mining; General mining

A process in which an ore containing pyrite is heated and the magnetic iron oxide so formed is removed by a magnetic separator. In many cases the iron oxide is extracted as gangue.

tracing float

Mining; General mining

A process in which float is followed back to its origin. A prospector moves up slope looking for pieces of float until no more are to be seen. If, at this point, no outcrop is visible, the ...

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