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General philosophy

Terms that relate to philosophy, yet do not fit other specific categories.

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General philosophy


Philosophy; General philosophy

A compound word: Avalokita, "perceived," "seen"; Isvara, "lord"; hence "the Lord who is perceived or cognized," i.e., the spiritual entity, whether in the kosmos or in the human being, whose ...

Robert Adamson

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1852-1902) Described in the Cambridge History of Modern Literature (XIV,48) as "the most learned of contemporary philosophers." He was an outspoken \ Agnostic and a Utilitarian in ethics. In the ...

William Adamson

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1863-1936) General Secretary of the Fife Miners7 Union from 1908 until his death. In 1910 became Scotland's first miners' MP, representing Fife West until 1931. Prominent within the Parliamentary ...

add al-tahtani

Philosophy; General philosophy

Sub-contrariety or the relation of sub-contrary opposition between two particular propositions having the same subject and predicate, but differing in quality.

Jane Addams

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1863-1935) Famous American reformer, founder of Hull House at Chicago, Nobel Prize Winner, and for 7 years President of the Women's' International League for Peace and Freedom. In view of her ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

The word means one who is "skilled"; hence, even in our ordinary life, a chemist, a physician, a theologian, a mechanic, an engineer, a teacher of languages, an astronomer, are all ''adepts," persons ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

The lord of lives; the supreme spirit when dwelling in all elemental nature through the mysterious power of nature's illusion.

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