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General physics

Terms realting to physics that are not fit for other subcategories.

Contributors in General physics

General physics

archimedes principle

Physics; General physics

when a body is totally or partially immersed in a fluid, the apparent loss in weight is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid

atomic mass unit

Physics; General physics

It is equal to one-twelfth the mass of C -12 isotope of carbon, 1 amu = 1.66x 10-27 Kg.

atomic number

Physics; General physics

The number of protons in an atomic nucleus.

balmer lines

Physics; General physics

Lines in the spectrum of hydrogen atom in visible range, produced by transition between n 2 and n = 2, n is the principal quantum no.


Physics; General physics

A unit of pressure, equal to 105 Pascals.


Physics; General physics

subatomic particle composed of three quarks.


Physics; General physics

A phenomenon of the periodic variation in the intensity of sound due to superposition of waves differing slightly in frequency.

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