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General psychology
Information concerning Psychology in general.
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General psychology
shaping by successive approximations
Psychology; General psychology
A behavioral method that reinforces responses that successively approximate and ultimately match the desired response.
rapid eye movements (REM)
Psychology; General psychology
A behavioral sign of the phase of sleep during which the sleeper is likely to be experiencing dreamlike mental activity.
implosion therapy
Psychology; General psychology
A behavioral therapeutic technique that exposes a client to anxiety-provoking stimuli, through his or her own imagination, in an attempt to extinguish the anxiety associated with the stimuli.
systematic desensitization
Psychology; General psychology
A behavioral therapy technique in which a client is taught to prevent the arousal of anxiety by confronting the feared stimulus while relaxed.
taste-aversion learning
Psychology; General psychology
A biological constraint on learning in which an organism learns in one trial to avoid a food whose ingestion is followed by illness.
analytic psychology
Psychology; General psychology
A branch of psychology that views the person as a constellation of compensatory internal forces in a dynamic balance.
Psychology; General psychology
A cell in the nervous system specialized to receive, process, and/or transmit information to other cells.