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Gymnastics is a sport involving the performance of various exercises on several different apparatus, mainly uneven bars, balance beam, floor exercise and vault for women. While men compete in floor exercises, vault, pommel horse, string rings, parallel bars and high bar.

Contributors in Gymnastics


concentric muscle contraction

Sports; Gymnastics

A concentric contraction is when a muscle shortens while contracting. Doing a pull-up by contractng the biceps is an example.

counter turn

Sports; Gymnastics

A counter turn is most often used to describe the turning of the hips in the opposite direction of a double leg circle. When a gymnast has their legs straight in front of them, their hips should be ...

crash dive

Sports; Gymnastics

A trampoline skill where ¾ of a front somersault is performed landing in the back. Also called a suicide, but that term is not too popular with gym owners..


Sports; Gymnastics

A skill performed on the still rings, in a straight body or " L" position, with the body perpendicular to the floor and the arms stretched perpendicular to the body. See also inverted cross.


Sports; Gymnastics

A pommel horse skill named after Tim Daggett. It consists of a scissor backward with ½ counterturn. It has been rated as a C level skill by the FIG.


Sports; Gymnastics

Points taken off a gymnast's score for errors. Most deductions are pre-determined, such as a 0.5 deduction for a fall from an apparatus or a 0.1 deduction for stepping out of bounds on the floor ...

degree of difficulty

Sports; Gymnastics

A rating that measures the difficulty of the specific moves in a gymnast’s routine. It is factored into the total score after judges have scored the execution of the moves. Each skill has a Level of ...

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