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Health insurance

Contributors in Health insurance

Health insurance

specialty contractor

Health care; Managed care

A Medicare contractor that performs a limited Medicare function, such as coordination of benefits, statistical analysis, etc.

Medicare Premium Collection Center (MPCC)

Health care; Managed care

A Medicare direct billing contractor.

benefit exhausted data

Health care; Managed care

A Medicare term for the date a beneficiary has used maximum benefits for the current benefit or enrollment period.

selling interview

Health care; Managed care

A meeting between an insurance salesperson and a prospective buyer that has the objective of closing the sale.


Health care; Managed care

A member of a prepaid health care, governmental, or other health insurance plan. A person who is directly or independently eligible for coverage of health services provided under a health plan ...

commission broker

Health care; Managed care

A member of the New York Stock Exchange executing orders on behalf of his own organization and its customers.

conversion plan

Health care; Managed care

A member’s group plan is canceled; the member opts to continue coverage under an individual health or life insurance plan.

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