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Home improvement
Home improvement is the process of repairing existing fixtures or making additions to a residential piece of land.
Industry: Real estate
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Home improvement
soldered (sweat) fittings
Real estate; Home improvement
Pipefittings that have been soldered to seal the connection.
spade bit
Real estate; Home improvement
Spade bit is an inexpensive wood-boring instrument that looks like a paddle with a triangular point on the end.
Real estate; Home improvement
Spalling is when chips and chunks break off a surface, such as concrete, usually caused by weathering.
Real estate; Home improvement
1. Rubber or neoprene cording that holds screening material in a window or door frame. 2. Ribbon-like finishing piece that holds in sheets of cane on furniture.
splining tool
Real estate; Home improvement
Looks like a pastry cutter with a convex roller on one end and a concave roller on the other end. Use this to push spline into the grooves around a window or door frame.
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