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Human trafficking

The buying and selling of human beings for profit. Human trafficking is an extremely serious crime and a gross violation of human rights, which can be classified as a modern form of slavery. The goal of this section is to raise awareness of the problem and to show what is being done at EU-level and in the Member States to fight this injustice, to promote exchange of ideas and cooperation between all organisations, and to help people involved in the fight against trafficking in human beings and the protection of victims.

Contributors in Human Trafficking

Human trafficking

separated child

Human rights; Human Trafficking

A child under 18 years of age who is outside her/his country of origin and separated from both parents, or her/his previous legal/customary or primary caregiver. S/he may be alone or living with ...

service providers

Human rights; Human Trafficking

Organisations and individuals that provide one or more of the support and assistance measures supplied to trafficked persons. These may include social workers, psychologists, shelter staff, medical ...


Human rights; Human Trafficking

According to the Explanatory Report accompanying the Council of Europe Convention (paragraph 95), “The ECHR (European Commission of Human Rights) bodies have defined ‘servitude’. The European ...

sex-related trafficking

Human rights; Human Trafficking

Trafficking for the purpose of the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation.

sexual exploitation

Human rights; Human Trafficking

The terms “exploitation of the prostitution of others” and “other forms of sexual exploitation” are not defined in the Council of Europe Convention, “which is therefore without prejudice to how ...

sex worker

Human rights; Human Trafficking

A person who claims agency or choice to perform sexual acts in exchange for monetary and/or nonmonetary compensation.

shelter/residential facilities

Human rights; Human Trafficking

Premises where trafficked persons are hosted. Shelters may be open or closed; offer short- or long-term stay; provide round-the-clock, part-time or no in-house assistance. Shelter should be run by ...

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