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Internet communication
All the ways used by people to communicate with each other over the Internet, including e-mail, instant messaging (IM), feedback on blogs, contact forms on Web sites, industry forums, chat rooms and social networking sites.
Industry: Internet
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Internet communication
Internet; Internet communication
A type of shareware that interrupts the user while they're using the program and asks the user to register or pay for the software. This usually takes the form of some sort of pop-up box.
data file
Internet; Internet communication
A file that contains information rather than an executable program. Also called document file.
anonymous e-mail
Internet; Internet communication
An e-mail message that has been directed to the recipient through a third party server and does not identify the sender.
anti-glare screen
Internet; Internet communication
An add-on device made from polarized material that can be placed in front of a monitor's screen to reduce glare and prevent eyestrain.
address book
Internet; Internet communication
A feature of most email programs that lets users maintain and store multiple email addresses. The address book enables users to easily send an email message to multiple recipients. It lets users ...