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Investment banking
Of or relating to the business of underwriting, or acting as the client's agent, in the issuance of securities in order to assist an individual, commercial enterprise, corporation or government instution ro raise capital.
Industry: Banking
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Investment banking
issue price
Banking; Investment banking
Price at which an investment fund sells newly issued units to the public.
book profit
Banking; Investment banking
A profit which derives from assigning a higher value to assets or a lower value to liabilities (e.g. provisions or reserves) and is equal to the difference between the old and the new (higher) book ...
double taxation
Banking; Investment banking
The practice of taxing the same wealth, income or property twice with different taxes or by the tax authorities of two different countries.
friendly takeover
Banking; Investment banking
Takeover welcomed and supported by the management of the company which is the subject of the takeover. Opposite: hostile takeover.
Banking; Investment banking
The presentation for payment of any obligation, bill of exchange, draft or other instrument.
payment (of securities subscribed)
Banking; Investment banking
Payment for the securities allotted under subscriptions to new or conversion issues. In the case of equities, this can be either full or partial, depending on whether only part or all of the share's ...
open-end fund
Banking; Investment banking
Investment fund which is permitted to issue new units continuously and is obligated to redeem issued shares at their net asset value if shareholders so demand. Switzerland allows only this type of ...