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Investment banking
Of or relating to the business of underwriting, or acting as the client's agent, in the issuance of securities in order to assist an individual, commercial enterprise, corporation or government instution ro raise capital.
Industry: Banking
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Investment banking
direct listing
Banking; Investment banking
In currency trading: price quote for a currency in which one unit (or 100 units) of a foreign currency are expressed in units of the domestic currency. See also indirect listing.
fund unit
Banking; Investment banking
Unit of ownership in an investment fund. Embodies the investor's right, enforceable against the management company, to a share in the assets and income of the investment fund.
Banking; Investment banking
Indicator which can be used to compare the value or level of a statistic with its value or level at an earlier point in time, accounting for changes due to factors such as price changes and movements ...
Banking; Investment banking
Securities and merchandise are quoted at a market or selling price. Foreign exchange is quoted in rates, not prices.
for deposit only
Banking; Investment banking
Endorsement on the face of a check indicating that the amount must be credited to an account and cannot be paid out in cash.
Banking; Investment banking
Literally, to discount again. To sell or discount a negotiable instrument which has already been discounted once. For example, the Swiss commercial banks are able to rediscount bills which they have ...
Banking; Investment banking
Term coined in the seventies to describe the combination of slow or non-existent economic growth (stagnation) with relatively strong price increases (inflation).