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Israeli history

The history of Israel encompasses the history of the modern State of Israel, as well as that of the Jews in the Land of Israel.

Contributors in Israeli history

Israeli history


History; Israeli history

Ornament traditionally hung around the "neck" of the Sefer Torah, reminiscent of the breastplate worn by the High Priest when he ministered at the Temple in Jerusalem.

Torah min HaShamayim

History; Israeli history

Torah from the Skies. The belief that the Torah was given in its entirity by God to Moses and the Jewish People on Mt. Sinai.

Johnston Plan

History; Israeli history

Plan proposed in 1953 by Eric Johnston, United States special representative to the Middle East. The plan sought a way to divide water resources between Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon but ...


History; Israeli history

The Guard. Active from 1909 till the formation of the Haganah in 1920, Hashomer was an association of Jewish guards who defended Jewish settlements during the British Mandate.

al-Kataib al-Lubnaniyya

History; Israeli history

The largest and most important Christian-Maronite party in Lebanon. Founded in 1936 by Pierre Gemayel as a vigilante youth movement dedicated to the preservation of a Christian Lebanon, it later ...


History; Israeli history

Root of a word (all Hebrew verbs have a 3-4 letter root that is the basis of conjugation. many other parts of speech (adj., nouns) are also derived from this same shoresh).


History; Israeli history

Parting. Selected section from the biblical books of the Prophets (Nevi'im) which is traditionally recited after the Torah reading on the Sabbath or on a festival. The Haftorah is read to a different ...

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