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Judaism is a religion of the Jewish people. It is a monotheistic religion originating in the Hebrew Bible. Judaism states that god stated the laws and comandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. Judaism claims a 3,000 year continuous history.

Contributors in Judaism


sin offering

Religion; Judaism

A type of sacrifice used to atone for and expiate unintentional sins.


Religion; Judaism

The third month of the Jewish year, occurring in May/June. See Months of the Jewish Year.


Religion; Judaism

Slander is a serious sin in Judaism, even if the disparaging comment is true. See Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra.


Religion; Judaism

For information about the power of speech and sins committed through speech, see Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra. For information about pronouncing the Name of G-d, see The Name of G-d.


Religion; Judaism

The Yiddish term for a Jewish house of worship. The term is used primarily by Orthodox Jews.


Religion; Judaism

Yiddish: small town, village. A small town with a substantial Jewish population, or a Jewish ghetto, in the Yiddish-speaking parts of Europe (central or eastern Europe). Most of the shtetlach were ...


Religion; Judaism

Lit. Guards, keepers. People who sit with a body between the time of death and burial. See Care for the Dead.

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