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The scientific study of human language.

Contributors in Linguistics


perspectival system

Language; Linguistics

One of the four schematic systems which form part of the conceptual structuring system. The perspectival system establishes a viewpoint from which participants and scenes are viewed and involves four ...


Language; Linguistics

One of the three parameters of focal adjustment. Relates to the way in which a scene is viewed, including the relative prominence of its participants. The case of an active and passive pair of ...


Language; Linguistics

One of the schematic categories in the configurational system. Plexity relates to whether a quantity of time or space consists of one (uniplex) or more than one (multiplex) equivalent elements. When ...

polysemy fallacy

Language; Linguistics

A fallacy in reasoning committed by some scholars who take a cognitive lexical semantics approach, particularly as evident in the full-specification model of polysemy. Dominiek Sandra , who coined ...

polysemy links

Language; Linguistics

One of a number of inheritance links between constructions posited in construction grammar (2). Involves a type of inheritance (2) in which a construction with a similar syntactic organization to ...

pragmatic strengthening

Language; Linguistics

A notion developed by Elizabeth Closs Traugott in work on semantic change and applied and developed in the theory of principled polysemy in attempting to account for how chaining takes place in a ...

primary metaphor

Language; Linguistics

The foundational level of metaphoric representation and the central construct in primary metaphor theory. A primary metaphor, in contrast to a conceptual metaphor, relates distinct concepts rather ...

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