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The scientific study of human language.

Contributors in Linguistics


guiding principles of cognitive semantics

Language; Linguistics

As with the larger enterprise of cognitive linguistics of which it is a part, cognitive semantics is not a single unified framework. Those researchers who identify themselves as cognitive ...

hiding and highlighting

Language; Linguistics

The idea in conceptual metaphor theory that when a target domain is structured in terms of a particular source domain, this highlights certain aspects of the target while simultaneously hiding other ...


Language; Linguistics

When a child first produces identifiable units of language at around the age of twelve months these are individual lexical items. Yet, these lexical items do not relate to the corresponding adult ...

homologous categories

Language; Linguistics

Domains such as time and space which appear to share certain structural properties and can thus exhibit conceptual alternativity. For instance, both space and time can be conceived in terms of ...


Language; Linguistics

A lexical relation which concerns two or more distinct words that happen to share the same form in sound (homophones) and/or in writing (homographs). For example, the form bank relates to two ...


Language; Linguistics

A kind of metonymic ICM. An ideal ICM contrasts with social stereotypes and typical examples. For example, we might have an ideal for the category politician: someone who is public-spirited, ...

ideal meaning

Language; Linguistics

A term coined by Anette Herskovits in her work on English prepositions to refer to the central or most salient lexical concept associated with a given linguistic unit.

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