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Managed care
A health care practice intended to streamline services and provide high quality, cost-effective care.
Industry: Health care
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Managed care
surgical schedule
Health care; Managed care
A list or table of cash or payments in a health or managed care insurance policy.
provider directory
Health care; Managed care
A listing of all physicians, ancillary services, and facilities that participate in a plan.
mortality table
Health care; Managed care
A listing of the mortality experience of individuals by age and sex used to estimate how long a male or female of a given age is expected to live. The mortality table is the basis for calculating the ...
insurance commissioner
Health care; Managed care
A key executive in life and health insurance industry regulation for each state.
tertiary center
Health care; Managed care
A large medical care institution, usually a teaching hospital that provides highly specialized care.
executed contract
Health care; Managed care
A legal agreement that has been carried out by two or more parties.
contract of insurance
Health care; Managed care
A legal and binding contract whereby an insurer agrees to pay or indemnify an insured for losses, provide other benefits, or render service to, or on behalf of, an insured. The contract of insurance ...