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Managed care
A health care practice intended to streamline services and provide high quality, cost-effective care.
Industry: Health care
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Managed care
FHA program loan
Health care; Managed care
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage insurance that guarantees the interest and principal on a loan for a medical or health care provider.
virtual corporation
Health care; Managed care
Health care entity that can conserve cash, labor, liabilities, financial risk, and other assets by outsourcing most services.
shadow controls
Health care; Managed care
Health care experts and participant judgments used to estimate net impact.
institutional providers
Health care; Managed care
Health care facility providers, as opposed to individual medical practitioners.
global surgery
Health care; Managed care
Health Care Financing Adminstration-designed payment package for specific procedures without complication and for a given aft ercare time period.
urgently needed care
Health care; Managed care
Health care for a sudden illness or injury that needs medical care right away, but is not life threatening.