Contributors in Marine biology
Marine biology
gregarious settling
Biology; Marine biology
Settlement of larvae that have been attracted to members of their own species.
hydrothermal vents
Biology; Marine biology
Sites in the deep ocean floor where hot, sulfur-rich water is released from geothermally heated rock. Hydrothermal Vents Life on Hydrothermal Vents
mucous-bag suspension feeder
Biology; Marine biology
Suspension feeder employing a sheet or bag of mucus to trap particles nonselectively.
primary production
Biology; Marine biology
Synthesis of organic matter by plants, which is the main source of energy and nutrition for other consumers in the ecosystem (e.g. herbivores). See also chemosynthesis, photosynthesis.
fecal coliform bacteria
Biology; Marine biology
Technically, all the facultative anaerobic gram negative non-spore forming rod shaped bacteria that fermet lactose in EC medium with gas production within 24h at 44.5 degrees C. A measure of bacteria ...
critical depth
Biology; Marine biology
That depth above which total integrated photosynthetic rate equals total integrated respiration of photosynthesizers.