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Marine fishery
The study and management of living marine resources and their habitat for the sustainable use of those resources and continued productivity, abundance.
Industry: Fishing
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Marine fishery
conceptual model
Fishing; Marine fishery
A depiction or representation of the most current understanding of the major ecosystem features and processes (including biological, physical, chemical, and geopmorphic components) of a particular ...
technological interaction
Fishing; Marine fishery
An interaction between fisheries resulting from the impact of one fishery using a particular technology (e.g. trawl gear) on another fishery, usually using a different technology (e.g. pots), but ...
Fishing; Marine fishery
A relatively flat horizontal or gently inclined surface, sometimes long and narrow, which is bounded by a steeper ascending slope on one side and by a steeper descending slope on the opposite side.
olympic fishing
Fishing; Marine fishery
A popular term to denote the "race-to-fish" phenomenon which is characterized by an increasing number of highly efficient vessels fishing at an increasing pace, with season length becoming shorter ...
Fishing; Marine fishery
A designation on a limited entry permit that authorizes the use of the permit for a particular gear, length of vessel, or in a particular segment of the fishery.
trophic level
Fishing; Marine fishery
1. Classification of natural communities or organisms according to their place in the food chain. Green plants (producers) can be roughly distinguished from herbivores (consumers) and carnivores ...
programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS)
Fishing; Marine fishery
An environmental impact statement (EIS) that applies to an entire program or management regime, rather than a specific action.