Home > Industry/Domain > Fishing > Marine fishery

Marine fishery

The study and management of living marine resources and their habitat for the sustainable use of those resources and continued productivity, abundance.

Contributors in Marine fishery

Marine fishery

target fishing capacity

Fishing; Marine fishery

The maximum amount of fish over a period of time (year, season) that can be produced by a fishing fleet if fully utilized while satisfying fishery management objectives designed to ensure sustainable ...

continental slope

Fishing; Marine fishery

Part of the continental margin; the ocean floor from the continental shelf to the continental rise or oceanic trench. Usually to a depth of about 200 meters. The continental slope typically has a ...

Endangered Species Act (ESA)

Fishing; Marine fishery

The ESA is a statute which was enacted in 1973 to conserve species and ecosystems. Under its auspices, species facing possible extinction are listed as threatened or endangered, or as candidate ...


Fishing; Marine fishery

Improving the fit between observed and calculated data using a mathematical (stock assessment) model.

habitat area of particular concern (HAPC)

Fishing; Marine fishery

Subsets of essential fish habitat that serve an important ecological function, are particularly sensitive to human-induced environmental degradation, are particularly stressed by human development ...

mid-ocean ridge

Fishing; Marine fishery

The continuous chain of volcanic submarine mountains and elongated rises on the ocean floor, extending around the earth where basalt periodically erupts, forming new ocean crust; similar to ...

production expansion factor (PEF)

Fishing; Marine fishery

The total number of Pacific salmon released from a west coast hatchery divided by the total number of tagged fish released. Used to elucidate hatchery contribution and fish survival rates.

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