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Marine fishery
The study and management of living marine resources and their habitat for the sustainable use of those resources and continued productivity, abundance.
Industry: Fishing
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Marine fishery
total economic value framework
Fishing; Marine fishery
A framework that incorporates all components of economic value, including use value (consumptive and non-consumptive use) and non-use value (option, quasi-option, and existence values).
management reference points
Fishing; Marine fishery
Conventional (agreed values) of indicators of the desirable or undesirable state of a fishery resource of the fishery itself. Reference points could be biological (e.g. expressed in spawning biomass ...
straddling stock
Fishing; Marine fishery
1. A stock which occurs both within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and in an area beyond and adjacent to the EEZ; 2. Fish stocks that migrate between national EEZs and the high seas.
limited entry
Fishing; Marine fishery
A program that changes a common property resource like fish into private property for individual fishermen. License limitation and individual transferable quotas (ITQ) are two forms of limited ...
Fishing; Marine fishery
1. The introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy into the marine environment, including estuaries, which results or is likely to result in such deleterious effects as harm ...
ecosystem function
Fishing; Marine fishery
An intrinsic ecosystem characteristic related to the set of conditions and processes whereby an ecosystem maintains its integrity. Ecosystem functions include such processes as decomposition, ...