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A database of terms pertaining to the scientific study of the atmosphere.

Contributors in Meteorology


long-range forecast

Weather; Meteorology

A forecast for a period greater than seven days in advance, although there are no absolute limits to the period embraced by the definition. Compare medium-range forecast, extended forecast.

Lagrangian float

Weather; Meteorology

A float that is used to obtain Lagrangian (following a fluid particle, thus drifting) current measurements. See Swallow float, drifter.

leapfrog differencing

Weather; Meteorology

A finite-difference approximation to a time evolution equation in which the time derivative is approximated with values one time step before and one time step ahead of the values that specify other ...


Weather; Meteorology

A dry foehnlike wind from southeast or south in Cheribon and Tegal in Indonesia. It is caused by the east monsoon that develops a jet effect in passing through the gaps in the mountain ranges and ...

linear differential equation

Weather; Meteorology

A differential equation that is linear in the dependent variable and derivatives thereof. The existence of a wealth of mathematical techniques and tables for the treatment of linear equations ...

linearized differential equation

Weather; Meteorology

A differential equation that has been derived from an original nonlinear equation by the treatment of each dependent variable as consisting of the sum of an undisturbed or steady component and a ...

jury problem

Weather; Meteorology

A differential equation solved numerically by a method of successive approximations that fits the solution to given boundary conditions. Elliptic equations, such as the Poisson equation, lead to jury ...

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