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Missile defense
Measures designed to detect, identify, track, and defeat attacking (ballistic) missiles in both strategic and theater tactical roles, during any portion of their flight trajectory (boost, post-boost, midcourse, or terminal) or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such attack.
Industry: Military
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Missile defense
static analysis
Military; Missile defense
The process of evaluating a program without executing the program. See also desk checking, code audit, inspection, static analyzer, walk-through. Contrast with dynamic analysis.
physical agents
Military; Missile defense
Descriptive term that includes non-ionizing EMR, static electric and magnetic fields, ionization radiation, energy beams, noise, explosions, de-orbiting debris, and extreme cold.
track formation
Military; Missile defense
The process of determining the track or tracks of detected objects. It is usually a threestep process of data association, track initialization, and track improvement by filtering.
threat scenario
Military; Missile defense
A hypothetical example of the employment of threat systems against ballistic missile defenses for the purpose of analysis and evaluation of those defensive systems and architectures.
top-down design
Military; Missile defense
The process of designing a system by identifying its major components, decomposing them into their lower level components, and iterating until the desired level of detail is achieved.
track extension
Military; Missile defense
This term usually applies to improvements in track estimates by use of new data. It is sometimes used to describe a process of target extrapolation to a future time or place (e.g., reentry).
mission element
Military; Missile defense
A segment of a mission area critical to the accomplishment of the mission area objectives and corresponding to a recommendation for a major system capability as determined by the DoD Component.