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Modems are devices that modulate an analog carrier signal to encode digital information.
Industry: Network hardware
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American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
Network hardware; Modems
A code used to represent letters, numbers, and special characters such as $, !, and /.
Electronic Industries Association (EIA)
Network hardware; Modems
Group which defines electronic standards in the U.S.
Network hardware; Modems
Hertz, a frequency measurement unit used internationally to indicate cycles per second.
INF File
Network hardware; Modems
A file that provides Windows Setup with the information required to set up a device, such as a list of valid logical configurations for the device and the names of driver files associated with the ...
Network hardware; Modems
An international organization that defines standards for telegraphic and telephone equipment. For example, the Bell 212A standard for 1200-bps communication in North America is observed ...
Local Echo
Network hardware; Modems
A modem feature that enables the modem to display keyboard commands and transmitted data on the screen.
point-to-pointpProtocol (PPP)
Network hardware; Modems
A protocol used to send data over serial lines. PPP provides error checking, link control, and authentication, and can be used to carry IP, IPX, and other protocols. PPP is superseding SLIP as the ...