Home > Industry/Domain > Automotive > Motorcycles


Any two-wheeled motor vehicle that can carry either one or two passengers.

Contributors in Motorcycles


coated bore

Automotive; Motorcycles

Thin coating of chrome or iron applied to inside of cylinder by electroplating or wire explosion spray coating.


Automotive; Motorcycles

A device that converts ac (alternating current) into dc (direct current) for battery charging.

coil build-up

Automotive; Motorcycles

Build-up of a magnetic field while current is flowing through primary windings of coil.

reed cage

Automotive; Motorcycles

An aluminum frame providing a mounting place for reed petals in two-stroke cycle engine.

cold soak cleaner

Automotive; Motorcycles

A strong cleaning solvent used to dissolve and remove varnish on carburetor parts.

reed petals

Automotive; Motorcycles

Movable parts of reed valve assembly.

colour code

Automotive; Motorcycles

Use of different base colours and coloured tracers on insulation of electrical wire for purpose of identification.

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