Contributors in Movies


Wild Sound

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Wild Track, Wild Sound, MOS, Mit Out Sound. Scenes that are filmed without the sound being recorded at the same time. Dialog and/or sound effects may be dubbed in later.

Wilhelm Scream

Entertainment; Movies

Originally recorded as a sound effect for the film Distant Drums in 1951 and named after the character who yelped it out, this distinctive scream was archived in the Warner Brothers sound effects ...


Entertainment; Movies

An editing technique in which images from one shot are fully replaced by the images of another, delimited by a definite border that moves across or around the frame.

Working Title

Entertainment; Movies

The name by which a movie is known while it is being made. This is sometimes different from the title with which it is released.


Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Animal handler, vehicle wrangler. A person who is responsible for the care and control of entities used on a set that can't be spoken with. This person is typically a professional, ...


Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Windup, Wind, Wind Roll and Print. To finish shooting, either for the day or the entire production.


Entertainment; Movies

A general term for someone who creates a written work, be it a novel, script, screenplay, or teleplay. See also Writers Guild of America.

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