Contributors in Movies


Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Entertainment; Movies

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is a 2010 American Drama film directed by Oliver Stone, it is the sequel to his 1987 film Wall Street. The film takes place during the 2008 financial crisis with ...


Entertainment; Movies

Keith is a 2008 independent drama film directed by Todd Kessler. The film is based off a short story by Ron Carlson in the book The Hotel Eden. The film centers around the relationship of a high ...


Entertainment; Movies

A 2003 American Christmas-themed comedy starring Will Ferrell as Buddy the Elf. Buddy is a human raised by elves who leaves the North Pole in search of his real father upon discovering he is not an ...


Entertainment; Movies

Mygeeto was a wealthy InterGalactic Banking Clan colony between Ord Biniir and Morishim under control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Since Mygeeto was locked in an ice age, giant ...

Death Star

Entertainment; Movies

A Death Star was a moon-sized Imperial military battlestation armed with a planet-destroying superlaser. The Death Stars, whose concept had been explored even before the Clone Wars, were the first ...

Darth Plageous

Entertainment; Movies

Darth Plagueis—born under the name of Hego Damask and remembered as Darth Plagueis the Wise—was a Muun Dark Lord of the Sith, heir to the lineage of Darth Bane and a master of midi-chlorian ...

Dark Jedi

Entertainment; Movies

Dark Jedi is a label to a specific archetype of characters in the Star Wars Expanded Universe defined as Force-attuned beings that meet two requirements: They do not hold themselves to the dogma of ...

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