Contributors in Movies


Feature Film

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Feature. A movie at least 40-45 minutes (2 reels) long intended for theatrical release. Contrast with short subject.

Feature Presentation

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Main Attraction. The main or advertised movie during a screening. See also: double bill, trailer, supporting feature.

Featured Background

Entertainment; Movies

A term used to describe the perfomers who are placed in prominent positions in the background of the major action of a scene.

Femme Fatale

Entertainment; Movies

Literally: "Deadly Lady"; a slang term used to describe a character in a movie.


Entertainment; Movies

An event at which films can often premiere. Festivals can be used as by studios to show their wares and sell rights to distributors, or to officially mark a movie's release so as to make it eligible ...

Film Buyer

Entertainment; Movies

A person who arranges to purchase films from an distributor on behalf of an exhibitor.

Film Developing

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Developed. A process whereby images recorded on film stock are transfered to a negative print. See also color timing.

Featured blossaries

Bridges in Belgrade, Serbia

Category: Travel   1 3 Terms


Category: Arts   1 1 Terms