Home > Industry/Domain > Transportation > Nautical


of or relating to boats, sailing, maritime topics

Contributors in Nautical


boatswain or bosun

Transportation; Nautical

a non-commissioned officer responsible for the sails, ropes and boats on a ship who issues "piped" commands to seamen.


Transportation; Nautical

a stay which holds the bowsprit downwards, counteracting the effect of the forestay. Usually made of wire or chain to eliminate stretch.

body plan

Transportation; Nautical

in shipbuilding, an end elevation showing the contour of the sides of a ship at certain points of her length.

bonded jacky

Transportation; Nautical

a type of tobacco or sweet cake.

booby hatch

Transportation; Nautical

a sliding hatch or cover.


Transportation; Nautical

masts or yards, lying on board in reserve.

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