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Naval architecture
The engineering science dealing with the design, construction, maintenance and operation of marine vessels and structures.
Industry: Shipbuilding
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Naval architecture
proportional limit
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
The maximum stress to which material may be subjected and still return to its unstressed dimension when the load is removed. Also called elastic limit.
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
The middle line of the ship, extending from stem to stern at any level.
screw propeller
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
The most common marine device for converting torsional energy into thrust.
speed-length ratio
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
The number found by dividing the ship's speed in knots by the square root of the length in feet. A dimensionally-dependent measure of relative speed.
displacement-length ratio
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
The number obtained by dividing a vessel's displacement by the (length/100) cubed. It is indicative of the relative fatness of the underwater hull form. High values are indicative of short, fat ...
draft marks
Shipbuilding; Naval architecture
The numbers on each side of a ship at the bow and stern, and sometimes amidships, to indicate the distance from the lower edge of the number to the bottom of the keel or other fixed reference point. ...