Home > Industry/Domain > Biology > Neuroscience


Neuroscience is a branch of biology concerned with the study of the nervous system, the brain and the links between brain activities and behaviors.

Contributors in Neuroscience



Biology; Neuroscience

Loss of the sense of smell.

dorsal columns

Biology; Neuroscience

Major ascending tracts in the spinal cord that carry mechanosensory information from the firstorder sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia to the dorsal column nuclei;

posterior funiculi

Biology; Neuroscience

Major ascending tracts in the spinal cord that carry mechanosensory information from the firstorder sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia to the dorsal column nuclei;

electrophysiological recording

Biology; Neuroscience

Measure of the electrical activity across the membrane of a nerve cell by use of electrodes. Extracellular recording places the electrode outside but nearby the cell of interest; intracellular ...

saltatory conduction

Biology; Neuroscience

Mechanism of action potential propagation in myelinated axons; so named because action potentials “jump” from one node of Ranvier to the next due to generation of action potentials only at these ...

joint receptors

Biology; Neuroscience

Mechanoreceptors found in and around joints; they appear to be most important for judging position of the fingers.

internal arcuate tract

Biology; Neuroscience

Mechanosensory pathway in the brainstem that runs from the dorsal column nuclei to form the medial lemniscus.

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