Contributors in Novels

Anna Karenina
Literature; Novels
Anna Karenina is a novel by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, published in serial installments. Widely regarded as a pinnacle in realist fiction, Tolstoy considered Anna Karenina his first true novel. ...

My Name Is Red
Literature; Novels
My Name Is Red is a Turkish novel by writer Orhan Pamuk. Pamuk would later receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. In recognition of its status in Pamuk's oeuvre, the novel was re-published in ...

The Trial
Literature; Novels
The Trial is a novel written by Franz Kafka. One of Kafka's best-known works, it tells the story of a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority, with the nature of his crime ...

Gulliver's Travels
Literature; Novels
Gulliver's Travels is a novel by Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, that is both a satire on human nature and a parody of the travellers' tales literary sub-genre. It is Swift's ...
to prick one's ears
Literature; Novels
Naćuliti uši, pažljivo slušati; ''The oldest of the colts raised his head, pricked his ears, and said, 'There are hounds!'.