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Nuclear energy
Nuclear binding energy is the energy required to split a nucleus of an atom into its component parts. The component parts are neutrons and protons, which are collectively called nucleons. The binding energy of nuclei is always a positive number, since all nuclei require net energy to separate them into individual protons and neutrons.
Industry: Energy
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Nuclear energy
Energy; Nuclear energy
A general term referring to all known isotopes, both stable (279) and unstable (about 2,700), of the chemical elements.
Energy; Nuclear energy
Common name for a constituent particle of the atomic nucleus. At present, applied to protons and neutrons, but may include any other particles found to exist in the nucleus.
nuclear waste
Energy; Nuclear energy
In the USA: A subset of radioactive waste that includes unusable byproducts produced during the various stages of the nuclear fuel cycle, including recovery (or extraction), conversion, and ...
nuclear steam supply system
Energy; Nuclear energy
The reactor and the reactor coolant pumps (and steam generators for a pressurized water reactor) and associated piping in a nuclear power plant used to generate the steam needed to drive the turbine ...
nuclear reactor
Energy; Nuclear energy
The heart of a nuclear power plant or nonpower reactor, in which nuclear fission may be initiated and controlled in a self-sustaining chain reaction to generate energy or produce useful radiation. ...
nuclear radiological incident annex
Energy; Nuclear energy
An annex to the National Response Framework, which provides for a timely, coordinated response by Federal agencies to nuclear or radiological accidents or incidents within the United States. This ...
nuclear radiation
Energy; Nuclear energy
Energy given off by matter in the form of tiny fast-moving particles (alpha particles, beta particles, and neutrons) or pulsating electromagnetic rays or waves (gamma rays) emitted from the nuclei of ...
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