Home > Industry/Domain > Maritime; Transportation > Ocean shipping
Ocean shipping
Relating to the transportation of goods across an ocean or sea.
Industry: Maritime; Transportation
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Ocean shipping
Maritime; Ocean shipping
Keeping the ship and its cargo floating in the water in proper trim.

Ryon-Un Maru
Maritime; Ocean shipping
A Japanese ghost ship, the Ryou-Un Maru, appeared in Alaskan waters on April 5, 2012. The ship, which had been drifting at 1 mile per day, was lost at sea after being set adrift by the 2011 Japanese ...
capital construction fund (CCF)
Maritime; Ocean shipping
A tax benefit for operators of u. S. -built, u. S. -flag ships in the u. S. Foreign, great lakes, or noncontiguous domestic trades, by which taxes may be deferred on income deposited in a fund to be ...
Maritime; Ocean shipping
A raised bridge running fore and aft from the midship, and called "walkway. " it affords safe passage over the pipelines and other deck obstructions.
certificate of inspection
Maritime; Ocean shipping
A certificate usually required for industrial equipment and meat products. There are companies in every port city that specialize in issuing certificates of inspection for machinery. The meat ...
Maritime; Ocean shipping
A customs document permitting the holder to carry or send merchandise temporarily into certain foreign countries without paying duties or posting bonds.
cargo retention clauses
Maritime; Ocean shipping
Clauses introduced by charterers based on shortage of delivered cargo because of increased oil prices.