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Operating systems
Software that handles the basic functionality of hardware.
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Operating systems
building block
Software; Operating systems
An individual medium (such as a floppy disk, CD, tape or cartridge) used in a Backup Set.
Software; Operating systems
Two or more computers managed by software that allows the computers to access the same data and be presented as one host for the purpose of parallel processing, fault tolerance, or load balancing.
Software; Operating systems
To transfer the cache to another media. The array to destage data from cache to disk in the event of a power failure. It prevents data loss.
de-militarized zone (DMZ)
Software; Operating systems
In computer networking, DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone) is a firewall configuration for securing local area networks (LANs).
engine failover
Software; Operating systems
Failover is the capability to switch over automatically to a redundant or standby computer server, system, or network upon the failure or abnormal termination of the previously active server, system, ...