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Optical phenomena
Events and situations relating to eyes, vision, and the mind's processing of visual stimuli.
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Optical phenomena
Optometry; Optical phenomena
Glance is a brief or rapid look at something; At first glance these dresses looked very good.

entoptic phenomena
Optometry; Optical phenomena
Visual effects where the stimulus originates from within the eye itself. In humans, the most common entoptics are "floaters", small globules that will slowly drift across your field of vision and may ...

bishop's ring
Optometry; Optical phenomena
A bishop's ring is a diffuse brown or bluish halo observed around the sun. It is typically observed after large volcanic eruptions. Most observations agree that the inner rim of the ring is ...

mountain specter
Optometry; Optical phenomena
A Brocken spectre (German Brockengespenst), also called Brocken bow or mountain spectre, is the apparently enormous and magnified shadow of an observer, cast upon the upper surfaces of clouds ...

crepuscular rays
Optometry; Optical phenomena
Crepuscular rays (also known as God rays) in atmospheric optics, are rays of sunlight that appear to radiate from the point in the sky where the sun is located. These rays, which stream through gaps ...

anticrepuscular rays
Optometry; Optical phenomena
Anticrepuscular rays are similar to crepuscular rays, but seen opposite the sun in the sky. Anticrepuscular rays are near-parallel, but appear to converge at the antisolar point because of linear ...

Optometry; Optical phenomena
Haze is traditionally an atmospheric phenomenon where dust, smoke and other dry particles obscure the clarity of the sky. The World Meteorological Organization manual of codes includes a ...
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