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The study of parasites.
Industry: Biology
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Biology; Parasitology
Refers to species in which eggs hatch in utero and the freed young are released from the female worm, e.g. in Strongyloides stercoralis.
Biology; Parasitology
The mature, naked, female reproductive cell with a haploid number of chromosomes preceding combination with the male gamete and the addition of an embryonic membrane and other shell layers. An ...
Biology; Parasitology
In flagellates, a heavy fiber (rhizoplast) present in some flagellates. It supports the cytostome in Chilomastix and is the basal fibril of the undulating membrane in Trichomonas. The function of ...
parabasal body
Biology; Parasitology
In flagellates, a heavy fiber (rhizoplast) present in some flagellates. It supports the cytostome in Chilomastix and is the basal fibril of the undulating membrane in Trichomonas. The function of ...
Biology; Parasitology
An organism that lives on or within and at the expense of another organism.
Biology; Parasitology
A symbiotic relationship in which one partner, the parasite, lives within or on its host, and in as much as it derives nourishment from its host, it is potentially harmful because it , may either ...
paratenci host
Biology; Parasitology
An atypical (substitute) intermediate host that ingested and harbors the stage infective for the definitive host, which remains active and unchanged (a collector or storage host). If a suitable ...