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Personal banking
Referring to the business when banks carry out transactions with customers directly, rather than with other banking institutions or with large corporations.
Industry: Banking
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Personal banking
Banking; Personal banking
The period of time between the expected first principal payment and the last anticipated principal payment for a specific REMIC tranche.
wire transfers
Banking; Personal banking
One of the two major methods of electronic funds transfer. Only the payer can originate the remittance. A wire transfer’s information format is completely flexible, but this flexibility adds ...
with recourse
Banking; Personal banking
A lending expression that means the loans or leases that have been acquired from an original lender or lessor are guaranteed by the originator.
Banking; Personal banking
1) Any reduction in funds maintained in a deposit account or mutual fund.2) Funds of a proprietorship or a partnership that are directly removed from the firm by the proprietor or partners. These are ...
without recourse
Banking; Personal banking
A lending expression that means loans or leases that have been acquired from an original lender with no guaranty from the originator.
working capital
Banking; Personal banking
In accounting and finance, used to describe the amount, if any, by which a business's current assets exceed its current liabilities. Also used more loosely to describe the funds a firm has available ...
working capital conversion cycle
Banking; Personal banking
An accounting and financial phrase used to describe the dynamics of short-term cash flows that occur during the normal operations of a business. The working capital conversion cycle is the circular ...