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Personal banking
Referring to the business when banks carry out transactions with customers directly, rather than with other banking institutions or with large corporations.
Industry: Banking
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Personal banking
spot market
Banking; Personal banking
Market for the purchase or sale of financial instruments, commodities, or other assets for cash settlement and immediate, as opposed to future, delivery. Also called the cash market.
Banking; Personal banking
(1) noun — The difference between two prices or two rates. Different users have many different and highly specific usages of this term. For example, traders use spread to mean the difference between ...
spread lock
Banking; Personal banking
A contract that guarantees the ability to enter into an interest rate swap at a predetermined rate above some benchmark rate.
spread-over Treasuries
Banking; Personal banking
The difference between the bond equivalent yield for any investment and the bond equivalent yield for a Treasury investment with the same maturity. Comparisons of the returns for most fixed-income ...
scenario analysis
Banking; Personal banking
(1) In investment analysis, the process of examining the anticipated performance of an investment under a variety of alternative potential interest rate environments.(2) In bank asset/liability ...
screw clause (for convertible bonds)
Banking; Personal banking
An informal market term for a contractual clause or provision in the indenture agreement for a convertible bond. A screw clause provides that, upon conversion, the convertible bondholder may not ...
seasoned issue or seasoned security
Banking; Personal banking
A mortgage-backed security with underlying mortgages that are seasoned loans. Sometimes described as vintage securities especially in the case of CMOs.
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