Home > Industry/Domain > Agricultural chemicals > Pesticides
Any chemical or substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of pests that damage or interfere with the growth of crops, shrubs, tress, timber and other vegetation useful to humans.
Industry: Agricultural chemicals
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thermal treatment
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Use of elevated temperatures to treat hazardous wastes. (See: incineration; pyrolysis.)
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
The middle layer of a thermally stratified lake or reservoir. In this layer, there is a rapid decrease in temperatures in a lake or reservoir.
threshold level
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Time-weighted average pollutant concentration values, exposure beyond which is likely to adversely affect human health. (See: environmental exposure)
Threshold Limit Value (TLV)
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
The concentration of an airborne substance to which an average person can be repeatedly exposed without adverse effects. TLVs may be expressed in three ways: (1) TLV-TWA--Time weighted average, based ...
threshold planning quantity
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
A quantity designated for each chemical on the list of extremely hazardous substances that triggers notification by facilities to the State Emergency Response Commission that such facilities are ...
tidal marsh
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Low, flat marshlands traversed by channels and tidal hollows, subject to tidal inundation; normally, the only vegetation present is salt-tolerant bushes and grasses. (See: wetlands.)