Home > Industry/Domain > Agricultural chemicals > Pesticides


Any chemical or substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of pests that damage or interfere with the growth of crops, shrubs, tress, timber and other vegetation useful to humans.

Contributors in Pesticides


negotiations (under superfund)

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

After potentially responsible parties are identified for a site, EPA coordinates with them to reach a settlement that will result in the PRP paying for or conducting the cleanup under EPA ...


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

A chemical agent which is destructive to nematodes.


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Method of of measuring turbidity in a water sample by passing light through the sample and measuring the amount of the light that is deflected.

Lead (Pb)

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

A heavy metal that is hazardous to health if breathed or swallowed. Its use in gasoline, paints, and plumbing compounds has been sharply restricted or eliminated by federal laws and regulations. ...

lead service line

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

A service line made of lead which connects the water to the building inlet and any lead fitting connected to it.


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

A genus of bacteria, some species of which have caused a type of pneumonia called Legionaires Disease.

lethal concentration 50

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Also referred to as LC50, a concentration of a pollutant or effluent at which 50 percent of the test organisms die; a common measure of acute toxicity.

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