Home > Industry/Domain > Agricultural chemicals > Pesticides
Any chemical or substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of pests that damage or interfere with the growth of crops, shrubs, tress, timber and other vegetation useful to humans.
Industry: Agricultural chemicals
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high-risk community
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
A community located within the vicinity of numerous sites of facilities or other potential sources of envienvironmental exposure/health hazards which may result in high levels of exposure to ...
high-to-low-dose extrapolation
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
The process of prediction of low exposure risk to humans and animals from the measured high-exposure-high-risk data involving laboratory animals.
highest dose tested
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
The highest dose of a chemical or substance tested in a study.
holding pond
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
A pond or reservoir, usually made of earth, built to store polluted runoff.
holding time
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
The maximum amount of time a sample may be stored before analysis.
hollow stem auger drilling
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Conventional drilling method that uses augurs to penetrate the soil. As the augers are rotated, soil cuttings are conveyed to the ground surface via augur spirals. DP tools can be used inside the ...
homeowner water system
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Any water system which supplies piped water to a single residence.