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Physical oceanography

The scientific study of the physical conditions and processes related to the motions and physical properties of ocean currents and waters.

Contributors in Physical oceanography

Physical oceanography

National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Facility (NOSAMS)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Established in 1989 at WHOI to serve the ocean sciences community with high-precision C-14 AMS measurements. See the NOSAMS Web site117.

Ocean Observing System Development Panel (OOSDP)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Established in 1990 by the CCCO of SCOR/IOC and the Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) of the ICSU/WMO. The panel’s task was to formulate a conceptual design of a long–term, systematic observing system ...

International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Established in Nov. 1965 by the IOC. The ITIC monitors the activities of the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific, making use of 31 seismic stations, 79 tidal stations, and 101 dissemination points ...

Japan Ocean Data Center (JODC)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Established in the Hydrographic Department of the Maritime Safety Agency in 1965 to fulfill the role of the marine data bank of Japan, acquiring marine data sets obtained by various research ...

European Station for Time–Series in the Ocean Canary Islands (ESTOC)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Established to complement existing open ocean stations in the eastern boundary regime of the North Atlantic. Regular observations started in 1994 at a nominal station position of 29° 10’ N, 15° 30’ ...

Flux (FETCH)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Etat de la mer et T´el´ed´etection en condition de fetCH variable experiment in the Mediterranean Sea, which took place in March and April 1998. The objective was to measure and parameterize the ...

Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IO-PAS)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

Founded in 1983 as the successor to the Marine Station of the Academy in existence in Sopot since 1953. The institute is divided into departments for marine physics, hydrodynamics, marine chemistry ...

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