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Referring to the skilled trade of working with pipes and plumbing fixtures that provide water or drain waste.
Industry: Construction
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positive displacement pump
Construction; Plumbing
Called a PD pump. Gear, sliding vane, progressive cavity, lobe etc. the capacity determined by the pump speed. The maximum head is determined by the horsepower available and the casing strength.
pressure balance valve
Construction; Plumbing
Shower mixing valve that automatically maintains balance between incoming hot and cold water supplies by immediately regulating fluctuations in pressure. As a result, temperature remains constant, ...
pressure tubing
Construction; Plumbing
Tubing used to conduct fluids under pressure or at elevated temperatures or both, and produced to stricter tolerances than pipe.
polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Construction; Plumbing
A rigid white or cream-colored plastic pipe used in non-pressure systems, such as drainage, waste, and vent systems.
Construction; Plumbing
A grinding tool used to level or remove burrs from valve seats in faucets so that the valve stem will fit properly.