Home > Industry/Domain > Parenting > Pregnancy


Pregnancy is the fertilization and development of offspring in a women's uterus.

Contributors in Pregnancy



Parenting; Pregnancy

Vaginal discharge and bleeding that resembles a heavy period and continues after delivery for about six weeks before tapering off.


Parenting; Pregnancy

Varicose veins of the rectum, afflicting 20 to 50 percent of pregnant women. Caused by increased blood volume and pressure from the uterus on the veins in the pelvis, the swollen veins in the rectum ...


Parenting; Pregnancy

When a baby extracts breast milk from the mother's breasts.

cephalopelvic disproportion

Parenting; Pregnancy

When a baby's head is too large to pass through the mother's pelvis. This condition usually results in a cesarean section.

shoulder dystocia

Parenting; Pregnancy

When a baby's shoulders get stuck in the birth canal after the head has already been delivered.

couvade syndrome

Parenting; Pregnancy

When a father-to-be exhibits physical responses to his partner's pregnancy, including weight gain, backache, food cravings, and mood swings.


Parenting; Pregnancy

Using artificial means (such as drugs like pitocin or prostaglandins or by rupturing of the membranes) to start labor.

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