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Radiology equipment

Radiology equipment is used in the medical profession for the purpose of creating images that expose internal parts of the body.

Contributors in Radiology equipment

Radiology equipment

main screen

Medical devices; Radiology equipment

Do not use. See Select Major Mode screen.

radiation protection survey

Medical devices; Radiology equipment

An evaluation of the radiation hazards in and around an installation due to the existence of sources of radiation under specific conditions. Not: Strahlenschutzuntersuchung = jährliche ...

treatment beam

Medical devices; Radiology equipment

A beam intended to deliver some MU. See also Setup Field Equivalent beam.

buncher coil

Medical devices; Radiology equipment

One of a set of four coils, two radial, two transverse, whose magnetic field controls the bunching of the electrons (emitted by the electron gun) and steers the beam into the accelerator.

kilovolt beam enable loop

Medical devices; Radiology equipment

An electrical safety loop that enables generation of the image beam (kV beam) when the loop is closed and disables beam generation when the loop is open. See also safety loop.

motion enable bar (or button)

Medical devices; Radiology equipment

A control that must be pressed to move the couch or gantry. On the pendant, this is two bars; on the couch side panel, it is one horizontal bar; and on the Control keyboard, the control is two ...

water-cooling system

Medical devices; Radiology equipment

Consists of the pump stand subsystem, which includes a reservoir, pump, heat exchanger, and control valve for the city water flow; and two loops of nonmixing city and machine water.

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