Home > Industry/Domain > Construction > Roofing
Referring to the construction and/or tiling of rooves on buildings and other structures.
Industry: Construction
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cement tile roofing
Construction; Roofing
A roofing tile made out of cement or concrete based products. Available in many shapes and sizes.
chimney cricket
Construction; Roofing
A section of roof framing to divert rainwater around a chimney or short parapet.
clerestorey window
Construction; Roofing
A window in the upper part of a wall and sometimes the lower edge of the roof to give light and ventilation to a high room.
ceiling battens
Construction; Roofing
Supported by and running at right angles to the ceiling-joists the battens typically timber or roll formed metal support the actual ceiling lining material.
cee purlins
Construction; Roofing
Cold rolled sections in the form of a letter "C". Used not only for roofs but for wall girts and they are used by shed manufactures to form columns, ties and braces. They are also used for floor ...