Contributors in Schools
academic projection
Education; Schools
A year-by-year and course-by-course outline of what a high school student must complete to earn a diploma. An Academic Projection is usually prepared before the student enters ninth level.
Education; Schools
A computer-cassette testing program for Word Building; a computer testing program for social studies and science.
learning gaps
Education; Schools
Weaknesses diagnosed below a student's performance level. These weaknesses may be corrected by assigning PACEs containing material in which the student's learning experience is deficient. A PACE is ...
Communication envelope
Education; Schools
Used to send letters, financial statements, etc., to parents. The envelope is signed by both parents and returned the next school morning.
School of Tomorrow curriculum
Education; Schools
Consist of the Preschool with Ace and Christi (K-3, K-4, and K-5 Reading Readiness) program, the ABCs with Ace and Christi learning-to-read program , core curriculum (math, English, social studies, ...