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Seismic safety
Terms relating to the constuction of buildings that can withstand earthquakes.
Industry: Construction
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Seismic safety
hazardous contents
Construction; Seismic safety
A material that is highly toxic or potentially explosive and in sufficient quantity to pose a significant life-safety threat to the general public if an uncontrolled release were to occur.
grade plane
Construction; Seismic safety
A reference plane representing the average of finished ground level adjoining the structure at all exterior walls. Where the finished ground level slopes away from the exterior walls, the reference ...
space frame system
Construction; Seismic safety
A structural system composed of interconnected members, other than bearing walls, that is capable of supporting vertical loads and that also may provide resistance to shear wall.
dual frame system
Construction; Seismic safety
A structural system with an essentially complete space frame system providing support for vertical loads.
building frame system
Construction; Seismic safety
A structural system with an essentially complete space frame system providing support for vertical loads. Seismic-force resistance is provided by shear walls or braced frames.
moment frame
Construction; Seismic safety
A frame provided with restrained connections between the beams and columns to permit the frame to resist lateral forces through the flexural rigidity and strength of its members.
special concentrically braced frame (SCBF)
Construction; Seismic safety
A steel or composite steel and concrete concentrically braced frame in which members and connections are designed for ductile behavior.