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The study of earthquake, seismic sources, and wave propagation through the Earth.
Industry: Earth science
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Poisson solid
Earth science; Seismology
When the rigidity and the other Lame (unnamed) constant are equal, Poisson's ratio is 0. 25 and is used as the approximation in most seismology problems.
time-predictable model
Earth science; Seismology
With reference to earthquakes, a recurrence model in which the time interval between two successive large earthquakes is proportional to the amount of seismic displacement of the preceding ...
seismotectonic province
Earth science; Seismology
A region within which the active geologic and seismic processes are considered to be relatively uniform.
body wave
Earth science; Seismology
A seismic wave that can travel through the interior of the earth. P-waves and S-waves are body waves.
seismic moment
Earth science; Seismology
measure of the strength of an earthquake, equal to the product of the force and the moment arm of the double-couple system of forces that produces ground displacements equivalent to that produced by ...
accretionary wedge
Earth science; Seismology
A prism of deformed sediments in the upper plate of a subduction zone near the deformation front, formed in part by accretion of sediments of the downgoing plate, but also including sediments derived ...